

As we all know, reading is a valuable skill that your child will use throughout life. In middle school and high school, students are expected to complete reading assignments both in and outside of school. College-bound students should prepare themselves for two hours of studying for every one hour of class time. It is imperative that your student can absorb large amounts of content with increased speed and comprehension. Last summer at SuperCamp, your child learned Quantum Reading, which uses a combination of enhanced interest, highly focused concentration and specific reading strategies to increase speed and comprehension.

There are 5 steps to becoming a successful Quantum Reader:

  1. Prepare: Prepare your Attitudes, Beliefs and Commitment (ABCs). It’s also important to create a positive learning environment for yourself. Claim a study space of your own—a quiet one, if possible. Use furniture that fits your style, and ensure that you have proper lighting. Your space should be well lit without hurting the eyes.
  2. Get Into State: …alpha state, that is. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine a peaceful place. Look up, look down, open your eyes, and wa-la! You’re in alpha state. Alpha state is a state of relaxed concentration. You’re calm and alert, absorbing material and making connections. Baroque music can help put your brain into alpha state—try Bach, Handel or Vivaldi.
  3. SuperScan: Spend 2-3 seconds per page skimming content. Quickly expose your eyes and brain to every page. Move fast!
  4. Read: Return to the beginning and read the content. A visual guide, such as running your finger along the words on the page, keeps your eyes from skipping around. In fact, using a visual guide can double your reading speed! Our brains are able to take in entire sentences at a time (not just one word at a time), so allow your eyes to flow quickly over them and your brain will actually register it all.
  5. Review: Within 5 minutes, review what you’ve just read so that it sticks. You can do this by mind-mapping, writing out notes or telling yourself or someone else what you’ve read.

Review the Quantum Reading procedure with your student, and ensure that they are using these strategies in school.