Words are so powerful. Words have the power to build people up and bring them down. They can uplift and enlighten, or depress and destroy. We have complete control over the words we use, so we really must choose them carefully. The first step is awareness. Think before you speak. Focus on communicating positives: strengths, […]
Living above the line is related to the Key of Ownership, one of our 8 Keys of Excellence principles to live by. Life’s challenges come at us from all directions. At home, at school, and with friends, challenges are what keep life interesting. As these challenges arise, we have choices in how to approach them. No […]
By Bobbi DePorter These are challenging times for all of us, and perhaps especially for families. Most parents are working from home, and students are being schooled at home—it’s a lot of togetherness!! Our children are also struggling. They’re away from their friends, they’re trying to do their schoolwork and learn at home. They’re feeling […]
In 1982, when SuperCamp started, we were teaching students how to turn computers on. Now, nearly 38 years later, we are teaching students to turn their electronic devices off! If you’re a parent, educator, or just a keen observer of the world around you, you’ve probably made the following observation: “Kids are on their phones […]
4 Relationship Styles – One Works! Relationships are very tricky—husbands and wives, parents and children, teachers and students, employers and employees, friends, colleagues, etc. It matters not; every type of relationship comes with its challenges. While it seems that relationships can be defined in an endless number of ways, ultimately, every relationship falls into one […]
If you’re a parent, educator, or just a keen observer of the world around you, you’ve probably made the following observation: “Kids are on their phones a lot these days.” That’s not just an idle thought. As a matter of fact, it’s very much backed up by statistics. Here are some figures that give an […]
Perhaps no single area of communication is as important as the apology. It’s an admission of fault and an expression of contrition. A plea for forgiveness is often the first step in moving a relationship forward. But doing an apology right isn’t easy. Even this month, the news has been full of people and companies […]
For most of the 20th century, two letters—IQ—have been used to define human intelligence. But lately, especially in academic and behavioral theory circles, people are rethinking whether intelligence quotient is actually so important. Instead, they’re increasingly replacing the “I” with an “E”—for emotional intelligence. It’s still good to be smart, but EQ is the new […]
“Got a minute?” Has anyone ever asked you this? Doesn’t it immediately send up a yellow flag in your mind: Why is he asking me this? Does he want me to have a cup of coffee with him? Does he want advice, or a favor? It’s an invisible question—you don’t know what he wants, you […]
Beware! Some conversation responses—like reassurance, advice, and identification—that seem helpful on the surface can actually hinder positive communication, and may even end a conversation before it has a chance to become meaningful communication. Here are the three don’ts that we teach at our summer camps and school programs: don’t deny, don’t resolve, and don’t me-too. […]
“The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. . . . A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words. ” […]
As a teen you may already have encountered peer pressure . . . if you’re approaching your teens, it’s something you may face at some stage in the future. Think about this scene: you’re on your way to a concert with a group of friends and someone pulls out a bottle taken from their dad’s […]