Whether you attended SuperCamp last year or decades ago, you are, and always will be, a part of the SuperCamp family. And it’s an ever-growing family! It’s so exciting for us to see more and more children of past SuperCamp graduates from the 80’s and 90’s now attending our summer programs.

On our Alumni Network page, you can search for other SuperCamp grads and connect with fellow grads on Facebook and LinkedIn.

If you’re the parent of a SuperCamp grad, go to our Alumni Resources page for resources and information to help you understand more about the learning skills, leadership, communication and other life skills your son or daughter learned when they attended. You can also link to a SuperCamp Grad Resources page.

If you have friends or family members you think might be interested in SuperCamp for their teens and pre-teens, you can send your friend or family member an email.

You also can sponsor a child for SuperCamp at our Learning Forum International website.